Hierarchies Tree

Hierarchies are the second level of structure in the data model, contained within the dimensions. Each hierarchy contains elements; these correspond to the objects within a table's columns in the datasource. You can drop a hierarchy in the drop zone to add the entire hierarchy to the query, or you can browse the hierarchy's elements and add only specified member elements to the query.

Hierarchy Trees

There are a few types of hierarchy, which are accessed via the Dimensions panel:

Hierarchy Types

There are several different kinds of hierarchies in Pyramid, depending on the datasource, or the way in which the hierarchy was constructed in Pyramid. Each hierarchy type has specific features associated with it, such as drill functions, date-time functions, and more.

Other Hierarchy Capabilities

Alternative Captions for MS OLAP and SAP BW

This feature allows report-builders to use cube-defined properties as alternative captions for elements in the query.

Hierarchy Properties

Users can edit hierarchy properties, allowing you to create a metadata overlay that will display a different caption (name) and/ or category type. for the given hierarchies. These edits are visible only to the current users; they will not be visible to other users.

Elements Tree

The elements tree of a given hierarchy exposes all of the member elements contained in that hierarchy. From the elements tree, users can add specified member elements to the query in a variety of ways.

Beyond using the element trees to pick elements from your hierarchy, there are 2 "tools" for picking the elements using a hard coded list or via a search of the tree itself. These can be further extended by creating logical lists using formulaic Lists in the Formulate tools.

  • List Builder: The List Builder enables users to import or copy and paste a list of items representing the member elements they want to add to the query. This solves the challenge posed when adding specified elements from very large hierarchies, as the user does not need to manually peruse the hierarchy in order to find the required elements.
  • Members Search: The Members Search dialog offers another way to quickly select multiple elements from within a hierarchy, and add those elements to the query. Rather than importing a list, like the List Builder allows, users enter the relevant search criteria to search for the required elements., and then add them to the query. There is also an option to save the selected elements as a custom list.